Born and raised in the small town of Verboort, located west of Portland, Oregon, Keith DeClerck graduated from Portland State University where he received a BS in Electrical Engineering. Having worked as an electrical engineer for over 30 years, he now devotes himself to full time writing in southern Arizona, where he lives with his wife. 

His passion for writing started at an early age, writing poems about everyday life. Verses would explode out of his mind, and many times, he would compose full-length poems in minutes. Most of these early poems he wrote onto scraps of paper or cardboard, whatever was at hand, so as not to lose the words that came to him suddenly. Unfortunately, over the decades, most of those verses were lost.

However, it was at Portland State University that the idea of writing full-length fiction was spawned. Choosing as many literature classes as possible for electives, he stumbled upon a creative writing class. After reading his first work, his professor encouraged him to pursue a novel.

That idea became a passion. Unfortunately, his career path in engineering and raising a family overrode his time to write, and except for publishing a couple of books of poetry, short story and free verse over the years since college, he could not devote the hours needed to complete a full-length novel that he felt worthy to be read. Until now.


Lost in Dreams
and Spatters
of Light